January 2006 - Essn fr Ann''Essn fr ann'': in their great comedy show, comedians Volker Heiámann and Martin Rassau present the
Frankenland answer to Germany's favourite English comedy ''Dinner for One'' (shown on TV every New Year's Eve since 1963!). After
a successful start, a further 20 tour dates have been added for 2006.
There is a musical side to the revue. The 18-man Pavel-Sandorf-Bigband plays songs from well-known musicals, accompanied by
Volker Heiámann. The show's constant alternation between music and comedy requires even, balanced and yet unobtrusive sound
reinforcement. To achieve this, the entire tour is equipped with a NEXO GEO S system, driven by the proven CAMCO Vortex 6.
The decision to choose this system was taken by Ernst Sieber from sound service provider Vulkan Veranstaltungstechnik e.K.: ''We
have already used CAMCO and NEXO many times and the results have always been good. On this tour, we'll be doing the sound in
halls of varying sizes and we know that with this equipment, we can do just as good a job on halls for 1,000 people as on those
for 7,000. This requirement range alone means a NEXO GEO system is the best choice. Together with the Vortex from CAMCO, you just
can't beat it. "
For further information contact:
Concept and Implementation for Sound reinforcement:
Ernst Sieber
Vulkan Verantstaltungstechnik e.K.
Tel: +49 9643 20400
Lighting and stage design:
Elmar Eckert
tel: +49 9245 1404
E-Mail: elec.powerlighting@t-online.de