January 2006 - In Grenoble, France, the 4th International Circus Festival provided a unique showcase for EtherSound network
technology. IZO, the sound rental specialists based in Grenoble, used equipment from CAMCO, NEXO, Auvitran and Yamaha France to
provide a sound reinforcement system for the 4-day Festival.
Staged in the Palais des Sports de Grenoble, the focus of the Festival was on two round circus stages, each 12 metres wide, in a
2,000 sq. m. hall. Yamaha PM5D digital consoles were used to mix NEXO's GEO S tangent-array systems, powered by CAMCO Vortex 6
amplifiers, with AuviTran's EtherSound conversion and compatibility management devices ensuring full network capability over
optical fibre.
Using an EtherSound network provided some notable advances over traditional ways of working. Just 5kg of optical fibre were
required, compared with an estimated 200kg of multicore for a conventional PA. The system also offered significantly improved
signal quality, with just 1 A/D conversion on the preamps and 1 D/A conversion on the NEXO NX242TDcontroller processors. This
compares with a conventional approach which might use up to 8 such conversions, each degrading signal quality and increasing
audio latency. The network gives the front-of-house engineer complete remote control over all his loudspeaker processors, as well
as microphones, head amps and all other network devices.